Sunday, January 20, 2008

My Candidate for President

John Edwards for President

Just thought I'd let you know.

1 comment:

JMS said...

Did you see the editorial about Edwards in Thursday's paper? Here's an excerpt ...
Edwards has made much of his renunciation of his Iraq War vote. But he has not stopped there. His entire campaign has been an orgy of regret and renunciation.

•As senator, he voted in 2001 for a bankruptcy bill that he now denounces.

•As senator, he voted for storing nuclear waste in Nevada's Yucca Mountain. Twice. He is now fiercely opposed.

•As senator, he voted for the Bush-Kennedy No Child Left Behind education reform. He now campaigns against it, promising to have it "radically overhauled.”

•As senator, he voted for the Patriot Act, calling it "a good bill.” He now attacks it.

•As senator, he voted to give China normalized trade relations. Need I say? He now campaigns against liberalized trade with China as a sellout of the middle class to the great multinational agents of greed, etc.

Breathtaking. People can change their minds about something. But everything? The man served one term in the Senate. He left not a single substantial piece of legislation to his name, only an astonishing string of votes on trade, education, civil liberties, energy, bankruptcy and, of course, war that now he not only renounces but inveighs against.

Here's the link ...