In one hour, I read 31 pages. I don't know if that if particularly slow, but it seems like it is. I have been reading the novel off and on for a while, so part of my reason for setting a reading goal is that I might be able to read the novel before my 60th birthday, which is a year and 2 months away right now.
I am what one would call a fast reader, yet there are books, writers and subject matter that take me much longer to read. Don't put a page minimum on your daily reading. Read for an hour. It doesn't have to be in one sitting or in one book. I read in the bathtub with a stack of books and magazines as well.
I'm always happy to hear that people want to read more. Please don't put pressure on yourself to read quantity however. I am usually a very fast reader, but there are certain genres, authors, books that take me much longer to digest. It is much better for you to say you want to read for an hour a day. It doesn't have to be one book. Change books if you want. Pick up a poem or a magazine. I usually have several going at a time. Just make sure you are enjoying what you are reading. If not, put it aside, give it away or return it to the library. Reading should be a fun experience.
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