I've been away from posting for some time now due to my involvement in National Board for Teacher Certification. I had to get a portfolio done, basically in two months, that I should have been doing since last June. The good news is that with a lot of huffing and puffing and giving up my Spring Break, I was able to get my portfolio off in time. So now, I find myself with some extra time on my hands that I can devote to this blog, among other things.
At the school we are getting ready to do our "End of Instruction" (EOI) exams. This are the high stakes tests that basically determine whether our school gets on the "naughty or nice list" as far as No Child Left Behind is concerned. We have had a couple of schools in our district be on the "needs improvement" list too long, and the schools were required by federal law go through a complete reorganization including the removal of at least 50% of their current faculty.
The problem with the EOI tests that our student will be taking is that they mean nothing to the students. My students who will take the exam, the 11th graders, face no consequences for failing the test. So why should they even try?